Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Greek has Four words that mean love:

1. Eros; this type of love is based on sexual attraction to the opposite sex.  Aphrodite is a Greek goddess that is know for her love, fertility and beauty. Aphrodite was forced to marry a ugly god named hephaestus who was opposite of her beauty.   Aphrodite had a child name Eros, just like his mother,  was attractive to a beautiful princess named Psyche, who was a mortal.  Psyhe was persuade by Eros to fall in love with a monster who was really him. Eros today is the symbol of love on valentine day which we see him as cupid.

2. Storge; this type of love is of mother, farther, sister, and brother.  This love is much stronger than any other love. Hestia was the most ancient fire deity goddess that took center stage in the live of ancient Greeks. The hearth was vita to Greeks daily needs and served as a religious purpose.  On each hearth ancient Greeks built a small altar for worshiping all the deities which protected their home and families.  The hearth protected and sheltered family life from physical threat and adherence to high morals value.  The protection by the hearth goddess was not limited to the family circle, but also extended to the city life.

3. Philla; this type of love is called brotherly love.  This type of love makes us want to help old ladys and our fellow man.  This type of love also help us see orther as needing our love, sadly this love can be selfish. Some people show this type of love to people in order to get something out of it. Julio-Claudians (Julius Ceasars) love his wife Vipsania Agrippina and his brother Drusus. Beside their love Julio Ceasars love his military.  At the age of 22 he was in command of his own military, after recovery of some roman legions that had been lost it brought him great acclaim. Julius Ceasars conquered different territory and distinguished himself where he became popular and love.

4. Agape; this type of love is the highest.  This love is an unconditional love for others in spite of their flaws and weaknesses. It is hard to love this way because, humans are usually concerned more with ourselves and how the world and the people around us affect us.  Mother Theresa was a noun that look out for other interest above their own.  Mother Theresa taught in India for 17 years when she received her called to devote herself for caring for the sick and poor. Mother Theresa took went into the Calcutta's slum to aid the unwanted, the unloved, and the uncared for.  Over the course of the 1950's and 1960's, she established a leper colony, an orphanage, a nursing home, a family clinic and a string of mobile health clinics.


  1. I think that humanity as a whole concentrates more on the first two styles of love, a small bit on the third, and are almost incapable of doing the fourth one. When it comes to “Eros style love” everyone is so quick to throw around that word like it is the word “the”. We all “love” our cars, houses, and money. People are so quick to say “I love you” to the person they are dating, yet would get rid of them when the next new hot thing comes along. The “Storge style of love” is generally reserved for the family units, yet even today that bond of love is not guaranteed. The “Philla style” from which my hometown of Philadelphia is named, is rarely found today. Today’s culture is more focused on “me, me, me” rather than what they can do to help out their fellow man. Today’s population is more wants based rather than needs based oriented. The days of keeping what you need to survive plus a little extra has turned into the “I must amass and store everything I can get ahold of, and damn anyone who isn’t with me” society. The fourth and last version of love, “Agape” is very rarely found. This style is taught that it is the type of love where one is willing to sacrifice himself so that others would can live. That to me is the style of love that we need to strive to achieve. I have seen glimpses of this. Like your Mother Theresa example, but the one main example I saw was on a battle field when a soldier gave his life to save the life of his squad. That to me was “Agape”.
    Timothy Arrington
    Humanities Group #1

  2. The old saying must be true that, “Love never dies” and neither does the different types of love. I would say in society today that some types of love are more prevalent than others, such as Eros opposed to agape love. Many people do not like to admit that love or maybe attraction at first sight exists, but appearances are the first thing we see in a person. There is nothing wrong with being interested in someone by their appearance, but it will take some time to get to know the person before the agape love kicks in.
    Unfortunately due to divorce the family unit is not as strong as it used to be and the storge type of love my becoming extinct. This love is very powerful when children are at a young age, but as they grow up and start to explore their freedom they may for a short period of time fall out of love with their parental units. There is less family unity, unlike ancient Greek times. We do not rely on family as much anymore to survive, but now as a convenience.
    Does the concept of philla love still exist? It is sometimes hard to find a good friend and when you do hold on to them tightly because most people are only living for themselves. I believe that people seem to attract the same type of people as themselves. If you are a good natured and sensible person then you will attract good natured sensible people to be your friends. I don’t believe this concept is dead; there are still plenty of people willing to help out others.
    Agape love is something that parents and grandparents should have for their children and grandchildren. As elders I feel that this love should just come with age. People who love others unconditionally no matter what are the shining light in this dark world. They are the people that make this world a better place. Let love live!

    Jennifer Fisher
    Group 3
